RI Consulting

Adelaide-based boutique legal firm specialising in taxation matters

about us

We are an Adelaide-based boutique legal firm specialising in taxation matters. We are passionate about tax, and we have high-level legal technical skills necessary to resolve your matter.

Rehka Indrasamy leads the team. Having been a former Law Interpretation Director at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), she has over 20 years’ legal experience dealing solely in federal tax.

You can rest assured you are in safe hands with us.

Practising law with compassion

Our Focus

We can help you with any problems with the ATO, such as:
Tax and family law property settlements
Objecting to a
tax assessment
Tax bills you
disagree with
Failure to lodge
tax returns
Tax audits and
tax debts
Negotiating and settling with the ATO​

Start your journey with us now

When you come to us, expect something different.

Expect lawyers who love what they do and are passionate about getting the best possible outcomes for you.

We pride ourselves on our approachability and timely service.

Our service is exceptional and our fees are competitive.

Whether your taxation matter is large or small, simple or complex, RI Consulting has the expertise and experience to help you.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation