
We are experts in tax matters.

Taxation and superannuation laws are complex and constantly changing. At RI Consulting, we keep up to date with all the latest changes in taxation law and are able to give you clear, straightforward advice about what to do next.

We have the expertise to assist clients with many taxation matters, including the following services:


We can advise on the taxation consequences of any proposed property settlement as a result of a divorce/family break up, ensuring parties have access to the right exemptions/rollovers when transferring assets from one party to the other.

The Australian federal tax laws place the responsibility on you as the taxpayer to ensure that your income tax returns, business activity statements and other tax documents comply with the taxation laws. If you get this wrong, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can impose very heavy penalties and charge you a very high rate of interest on your tax shortfalls. Therefore, it is critical that you seek proper legal advice, understand your legal obligations under the tax laws, and comply with them.

RI Consulting is skilled at providing advice on complex tax issues, and help you get certainty from the ATO about how tax laws apply to your particular circumstances. It is important that you get the correct legal advice from a tax expert to avoid heavy penalties for breaking the law.

The principal of RI Consulting, Rehka Indrasamy, is an expert in tax and has extensive experience as a senior tax lawyer. She is also a former tax lawyer of the ATO, and has worked on hundreds of tax cases over her career.

R&D aggressive tax planning is subject to close scrutiny by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).  If you think you may have unwittingly become involved in such a scheme, you should contact us now.

We have extensive Research and Development (R&D) experience. Rehka Indrasamy is a former ATO lawyer.  In this role, she provided legal advice on whether relevant expenditure was incurred for the purposes of making the R&D claim, and the administrative powers governing R&D tax offset refunds.  

We can assist with R&D applications and ATO R&D audits.

We are experts at dealing with taxation debts owing to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).  We are generally able to arrange payment plans in even the most dire financial circumstances.

The principal of RI Consulting, Rehka Indrasamy, is an experienced tax lawyer who is also a former tax auditor and tax lawyer of the ATO. She is very familiar with the ATO’s processes and policies and can help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

If you have a significant tax debt with the ATO, and are unable to pay it in full by the required deadline, you should contact us immediately to seek legal advice.

It is important to note that:

  • – Your tax debt will not go away by itself.
  • – Your tax debt will continue to grow as the ATO charges a very high rate of interest on tax debts.
  • – Your tax debt may ultimately result in your bankruptcy or insolvency.

It is important that you seek legal advice and take urgent action to deal with your tax debts. If you fail to do so, the ATO may start debt recovery proceedings against you, which can initially include issuing garnishee notices to your bank or employer to require them to pay the ATO the money that they hold on your behalf or may hold for you in the future. The ATO is increasing its use of tax garnishee notices.  Where the ATO has issued a garnishee notice we can assist by ensuring the notice has been validly issued, and, if so, negotiating the best possible outcome with the ATO.

If the tax debt remains unpaid, the ATO can take further legal action and commence court proceedings to recover outstanding tax debt from you. The action that the ATO can take may include:

  • – Claim or summons
  • – Bankruptcy notice
  • – Creditor’s petition
  • – Statutory demand
  • – Wind-up action

Therefore, it is important that you get legal advice urgently and address your tax debts.

If you have received an unfavourable taxation decision, and you think the decision is wrong, either on the facts, or legal reasoning, we can help prepare and lodge an objection with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and manage the whole objection process for you from the start to the end.

It is important to note that:

  • There are strict time limits that apply for lodging a tax objection and you only have the right to lodge one objection against each tax assessment or decision. Therefore, it is important that you get the objection right the first time and comply with all the necessary requirements.

Rehka authored the ATO’s key ruling on taxpayers’ rights in challenging ATO decisions (Taxation Ruling TR 2011/5). She has extensive experience in providing well-considered and pragmatic advice on the Commissioner’s assessment and amendment powers, and the time limits that apply. This unique experience, which cannot be matched by most other law firms in Australia, gives us unrivalled expertise to provide the right advice to our clients and get the best possible results for them.

If you have been unsuccessful in obtaining a favourable outcome on a taxation objection, the next legal avenue available to you is to seek an administrative review at the AAT.

We have the knowledge and expertise to represent you at all levels in your taxation dispute – AAT, Federal Court and High Court.

We can also assist with summary offences (those that are punishable by a fine or less than 12 months imprisonment). This includes offences like non-lodgement, making false and misleading statements, as well as refusal to provide information or attend ATO interviews.

Practising law with compassion

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation